45+ Women Share the Absolute Worst Things Someone Said to Them During Their Pregnancy, and it Hurts to Read These

Women Share Things Said to Them During Pregnancy

In addition to having a challenging pregnancy, expecting mothers often have to deal with unwanted questions and comments from strangers. The following are some of the most shocking, ridiculous, and pointless things others say or do. The following question has been posed on social media: “What’s the worst, weirdest, or most unsolicited piece of advice someone gave you while you were pregnant?” Here are some of the best responses.

When Those Not Pregnant Know Best

The number of people that make comments about pregnancies is crazy. Who would’ve thought anyone could go through the entire nine months of being pregnant without at least one person guessing the baby’s gender based on how the bump was being carried?

When Those Not Pregnant Know Best

Who knows why gender would have anything to do with how high the bump is but, apparently, if you’re carrying high, the baby will be a girl. Meanwhile, if you’re carrying low, it’ll be a boy. Guess that didn’t work out in this situation, huh?

What a Bizarre Question

We know that families sometimes have children with different fathers, it’s not that uncommon anymore. It’s nice when people comment on your pregnancy, but sometimes people need to keep their bizarre questions to themselves.

What a Bizarre Question

A lady was approached by a woman congratulating her on her pregnancy when she announced she was having twins. The woman then asked her if they had the same father. Number one, it’s not her business. Number two, she might need to rethink that question.

Has the Birthing Process Changed?

People with both graphic and easy births will say they’ll never forget the birthing process. Even those who had children many years apart or had their children many years ago, still remember that day.

Has the Birthing Process Changed?

We have evolved along with technology, but some people don’t realize that giving birth is the same as it’s always been. Even the children of cavemen were pushed out!

Some People Shouldn’t Speak Their Mind

Pregnancy can be a hard journey for some people, especially when you’ve struggled to get pregnant. For some, it can take years, and for others, the journey can mean hospital stays and ongoing sickness.

Some People Shouldn’t Speak Their Mind

For those who struggle to get pregnant, it can cause physical and mental strain. In these cases, you need someone to offer positive words of encouragement and understanding. Unfortunately, some people think a sense of humor is more appropriate.